GROSSERT, John W. Art Education & Zulu Crafts. In two volumes. This edition is limited to 250 copies. Pietermaritzburg, Natal: Published by the author in collaboration with Shuter & Shooter Pty. Ltd., 1968 4to.
CHAUVET, Dr. Stephen. Musique Nègre. Considérations : Technique, Instruments de Musique (92 fig.), Recueil de 118 airs notés. Paris: Société d'éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 1929 Contemporary binder's cloth backed, 4to. 242pp. 92 illustrations on plates and in-text, biblio., 118 musical examples.
BREUIL, Abbé Henri. Phillip Cave. The Rock Paintings of Southern Africa: Volume Two. With the collaboration of Mary E. Boyle and Dr. E. R. Scherz. London: Abbé Breuil Publications, 1957 Morocco spine, Imp.4to. vi,21pp. colour frontispiece and 28 colour plates, 30 illustration from photographs, slipcase. One of the 110 numbered copies on Arches pure rag, mould made paper, with the morocco spine, signed by the Abbé Breuil.
COART, E. Les Arts Congolais, Vannerie et Tissage. Par Monsieur Coart, Chef de Section au Musée Congo Belge, Préface de Madame C. Dangotte. Bruxelles: édité par la Renaissance d'Occident sous les Auspices de l'Union des Femmes Coloniales, 1926 portfolio of stiff wrappers, Imp.4to. 34,(5)pp. 43 colour plates, 58 black and white illustrations. The text bound into the portfolio, the plates loose in portfolio as issued.
LAURENTY, J. S. Les Sanza du Congo. In two volumes. Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Nouvelle Serie in-4 - Sciences Humaines - no 3. Tervuren: Annales du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, 1962 Wrpps, Roy.4to. (1). xiii,249pp. 71 text-illustrations, numerous graphs, biblio. (2). iiipp. volume containing 467 illustrations on 43 plates, 4 maps.
WRIGHT, Stephen and Otto A. Jäger. Ethiopia, Illuminated Manuscripts. Introduction: Jules Leroy. Texts: Stephen Wright and Otto A. Jäger. London: Published by the New York Graphic Society by arrangement with UNESCO, 1961 Folio [19 x 13 inches]. 31pp. 32 colour and 5 monochrome plates, biblio., dw., slipcase. From the library of Dr. Juel-Jensen with a postcard to him from David and Mary (Phillipson?). With the superb reproductions of Ethiopian manuscripts.
GUILLAUME, Paul et Thomas Monro. La Sculpture Nègre Primitive. Par Paul-Guillaume et Thomas Munro. Paris: Les éditions G. Crès & Cie, "Peintres et Sculptures", 1929 Wrpps, Cr.8vo. 90pp. 43 plates.
HALL, H. R. Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs, Etc., in the British Museum. Volume I. Royal Scarabs. Printed by order of the Trustees. London: British Museum, 1913 4to.
ATKINS, Guy (Ed.). Manding Art and Civilisation. London: Published by Studio International on the occasion of an exhibition 'Manding: Focus on an African Civilisation' at the Department of Ethnography, British Museum, 1972 Wrpps, Cr.4to. 47pp. 32 plates, map, biblio.