• TUCKER, Alfred R. Eighteen Years in Uganda and East Africa. By Alfred R. Tucker, Bishop of Uganda. In two volumes. With illustrations from drawings by the author and a map. London: Edward Arnold, Publisher to the India Office, 1908 8vo. (1). xvi,359pp. photogravure frontispiece and 29 plates, (1 in colour), coloured folding map.(2). xii,388pp. colour frontispiece and 29 plates, (2 in colour), appendix, index.
  • Ny Teny N'Andriamanitra, atoe hoe, Tesitamenta ny Jesosy Kraisty. Tompo 'Ntsikia, Sady Mpamonjy no Mpanavotra. London: British sy ny Foreign Bible Society, nd, (1835) Later wrpps, Fcap.8vo. iv,377pp. Encased in recent dark blue stiff wrappers with a printed label to spine, title page and last three leaves repaired with archival tissue.
  • BROADBENT, Samuel. A Narrative of the first introduction of Christianity amongst the Barolong tribe of Bechuanas, South Africa: with a brief summary of the subsequent history of the Wesleyan Mission to the same people. By the Rev. Samuel Broadbent. London: Wesleyan Mission House, 1865 Fcap.8vo. iv,204pp. errata.
  • Missionary Records. West Indies. London: Religious Tract Society, nd. (circa 1835) 12mo. xvi,308pp. folding map as frontispiece. Slight damage to verso of map where badly folded, little foxing to map, faint stains to upper board, with the bookplate of "W. Wilfred Carey, 1880", a very nice copy in the publisher's dark brown cloth.
  • MASSAJA, Gugliemo. I miei trentacinque anni di missione nell'alta Etiopia. Memorie storiche di Guglielmo Massaja, Cappuccino già Vicario Apostolico dei Galla, Cardinale del Titolo de S. Vitale. Roma: Coop. Tipografica Manuzio, and Tivoli: Stabilimento Tipografico Mantero, 1921 - 1930 Twelve volumes in three, Roy.8vo. (1). vii,160,170,171,192pp. (2). 160,152,172,178pp. errata leaf. (3). 182,167,152,183pp. With numerous illustrations throughout.
  • VEIGA, Manoel de [& Antonio d'Andrade]. Relacam geral do es'tado da Christandade de Ethiopia; Reducam dos Scismaticos; Entrada, & Recebiméto do Patriacha Dom Affonso Mendes; Obediencia dada polo Emperador Seltá Segued com toda sua Corte à Igreja Romana; & do que de novo socedeo no descobriméto do Thybet, a que chamam, gram Catayo. Composta, e copiada das cartas que os Padres da Companhia de Iesu, escrevéram da India Oriental dos annos de 624. 625. & 626. Pelo padre Manoel da Veiga, da mesma Companhia, natural de Villauiçosa. Lisbon: Por Mattheus Pinheiro, Anno de 1628 Contemporary sheep, small 4to. (19 x 13 cm.) 2,124 leaves. Includes one of the earliest descriptions of Tibet.
  • BIBLE, New Testament in Ge'ez. Novum Testamentum Domini nostri et Servatoris Jesu Christi Aethiopice. Ad codicum manuscriptorum fidem edidit Thomas Pell Platt, A.M. Londoni: Impressit Richardus Watts, Impensis Societatis ad Biblia Sacra in Britannia et apud exteras gentes evulganda institutae, 1830 Contemporary calf, Fcap.4to. [21 cm.] 828pp. facing titles in Latin and Ge'ez, printed in red and black throughout.
  • TAUXIER, L. La Religion Bambara. Etudes Soudanaises. Par L. Tauxier, Administrateur des Colonies. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1927 Wrpps, Med.8vo. xx,472pp.
  • SIBREE, James. The Great African Island. Chapters on Madagascar. A Popular Account of Recent Researches in the Physical Geography, Geology, and Exploration of the Country, and its Natural History and Botany; and in the Origin and Divisions, Customs and Language, Superstitions, Folk-Lore, and Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Different Tribes. Together with Illustrations of Scripture and Early Church History from Native Statists and Missionary Experience. With physical and ethnographical sketch-maps and four illustrations. London: TrÅbner & Co., 1880 8vo. xii,372pp. 4 illustrations, 2 folding maps, (1 coloured), index.  
  • PINKERTON, Robert. Russia, or, Miscellaneous observations on the past and present state of that country and its inhabitants. Compiled from notes made on the spot, during travels at different times, in the service of the Bible Society, and a residence of many years in that country.
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